The humble me
So, "Who the hell is this Free-Mind?", you might ask.
The answer is simple for ones, and complicated for others.
Let's start with the facts:
I'm human
I point this one out becouse many people in our lives aren't so.If you ever encountered them, then you know what I talk about. And if you did not, then there's no point in explaining.
I'm a guy.
"Disgusting!", mights say one, or "cute!" another. But like it or not, this is who I am.
Altough I don't really care about a persons gender, I do have an affiliation to girls ;-)Also, I'm white.
Figure this one out alone :)
And, once again, a side note. I condemn racsism in any form. I despy rasists. I don't think they're not human, though, 'cosI'm a liberalist.
This scary word means I believe in the right of everyone to be whatever, and whoever he or she (or it, as we live in a modern world) wants to be.
Sadly enough, many people don't even know what this word means.
And even more sadly, people don't even want to be curtious to each other
If only they knew what wonders a little respect could do!
I'm somewhat of a bookworm.
Now, who said it's a bad thing??? I'm proud of it!
Did you know that in 1985, in the US, one third of the population was illiterate(can't read) and another third was aliterate(do not want to read)?
As you will (or already did) notice, beside readng I also enjoy writing. And since no one told me I should stop (wink, wink) I will continue doing this great, liberating thing.I used to write in Basic (havent we all did?), Pascal, Assembler & C++.
It's quite cool.
Nowdays I moved to HTML/CSS2. If you're into that, and even if you're not, you really should look at the source of this (or any other document) in my site.
Oh! I almost forgot the actual facts :-).
- I'm about 1.82m
- greyish eyes
- long (almost covering my whole neck) , soft, wavy, hair. Under the right lighting conditions you can see it's blonde, but most of the time it's brownish-black
- About 80kg (though this should go down drastically since I'm about to be drafted to the Israely Defence Forces) .
And where this great (there's this saying in hebrew: "If not me to myself, then who?") person lives, you might ask?
For bomb letters, and other fun stuff, write to:
Our Universe, The Milky Way, Outer arms, The Solar System, Sol III(earth), Middle East, Israel, Ashdod.
Despite what you may, or may not, have heard, this is a great place to live. Even with all the pollution, rasism, terrorism, car accidents, and other unpleasant things, it still is a great place to live in.
So come, come by your masses. Let's make a vast picnic and love each other as brothers, sisters, and other siblingal types.
You can contact me by E-Mail, or by .
Sometimes I can be reached via IRCs DALnet, tought lately I'm not a frequent visiter.